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speak change

"The very next words you speak
could change your life forever."
Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Helping people improve cooperation in the workplace through practical empathy.

In my training sessions, I help people establish effective cooperation, meaningful connections and transcend cultural differences in the workplace, by cultivating a culture of appreciation, actionable feedback and empathy in teams and organizations.

Speak change!

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Mareidi Pibernik

communication trainer

"Empathy is a respectful understanding of what others are experiencing."

Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Speak Change Around the World

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) helps us connect and transcend cultural differences. Together with colleagues and friends from around the globe, I offer trainings and support the promotion of nonviolent, empathic communication to foster cooperation and understanding across borders.


Meeting Beyond
Our Differences

We empower teams within purpose-driven organizations to actualize their vision of a world that works for all.


We offer tailored tools and strategies that foster connection and alignment in culturally diverse teams and teams working in an intercultural context.


Our customized programs enhance team building, intercultural and empathic communications skills, promote values alignment and cultivate clarity of shared purpose.

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NVC Rising
Learning Community

In the NVC Rising Learning Community we come together from all around the globe to learn, practice and share NVC. We are joined by international trainers, work on project development, meet in the Empathy Café, the new Certification Hub and more...

I love being part of this project, meet me there!

"Get very clear about the kind of world we would like and then start living that way."

Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

About me

Steps Along the Way

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Nonviolent Communication

communication trainer

empathy, feedback, mediation, group processes

trainer for empathy in teams and organizations

since 2016 trained in Nonviolent Communication, mediation and group mediation, facilitation of group processes in teams and organizatios with Marie Miyashiro's methods (The Empathy Factor)

member of the Austrian NVC Network

trainer in the process of international certification by the CNVC 

Coordinator in the NVC Rising Learning Community

Lecturer for Communnication and Presentation for the FH Campus 02

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Intercultural Communication

sign language interpreter

intercultural dialogue, cultural mediation, communication in teams and organizations

MA in Translation Studies

sign language interpreter specialized in interpreting in the workplace, in educational and political settings since 2010

lecturer for Sign Language Interpreting and Professional Ethics at Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz since 2010


lecturer for Professional Ethics for Modus Salzburg




former Zen nun

meditation, mindfulness, compassion, Nonviolence

10 years of practice of Soto Zen Buddhism with different teachers in Germany, France, and Japan

7 years of practice as a Zen nun, until 2016

Significant Teachers

Do you have questions or would you like to schedule a consultation?
I am happy to provide information about my services.

Mag.a Mareidi Pibernik

+43 650 65 234 78

Your journey towards empathy starts here.
I support you on your journey and look forward to your inquiry.

Thank you for your message!

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